Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sale Watch: WBH Energy, Ltd.

This is a new feature on A Texas Bankruptcy Lawyers Blog.   Whenever I hear about Section 363 sales in Texas, I will mention them here to try to get the word out.   Please feel free to send me any sales you are involved in or happen to hear about.

Case No. 15-10003; WBH Energy, Ltd.; Western District of Texas, Austin Division

Bidding Procedures Order:    Dkt. #361; 5/11/15

Assets to be Sold:   Oil and gas interests in the Barnett Combo Play of the Fort Worth Basin

Friday, June 05, 2015

Fifth Circuit Report: April-May 2015

At the same time that the Supreme Court was busy ruling upon its bankruptcy cases for the term, the Fifth Circuit was active as well.  There were so many cases in April, that it took me two months to summarize them.    Over the course of April and May, the Court decided no less than sixteen cases with bankruptcy implications.   These include cases relating to civil contempt, post-judgment remedies being granted pre-judgment, the conclusion of the BPRE case and important opinions on property of the estate, attorney’s fees, discharge and dischargeability.  There are also four cases involving disputes between homeowners and lenders, including two where the homeowner’s claim was revived on appeal.   There is enough substance here, including in the unpublished opinions, to keep a lot of lawyers and judges reading for a long time.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Supreme Court Extends Dewsnup But Suggests They Really Don't Care for the Decision

The Supreme Court extended the holding of Dewsnup v. Timm, 502 U.S. 410 (1992) to a fully unsecured junior lien in a chapter 7 case.    However, the Court suggested in a footnote that they are ready to reconsider the underlying precedent.    This suggests that the Petitioners may have lost because they were not bold enough in challenging Dewsnup.   Bank of America v. Caulkett, No. 13-1421 (6/1/15).